My Valentine !

He took off the stage,smiled gently,shook hands with this,kissed that looked around,searched for the only face the only face without any masks that he recently met.but became a part of his daily life.

*Charles Aznavour fades in Singing*
My masquerade comes to an end And I go home to bed again
Alone and friendless I close my eyes,
I think of him I fantasise what might have been
My dreams are endless We love each other but it seems
The love is only in my dreams
It's so one sided But in this life I must confess
The search for love and hapiness Is unrequited
I ask myself what I have got
Of what I am and what I'm not
What have I given
The answers come from those who make The rules
that some of us must break
Just to keep living
I know my life is not a crime
I'm just a victim of my time
I stand defenceless
Nobody has the right to be
The judge of what is right for me
Tell me if you can
What make a man a man

He walks in the empty streets of old Amman its too cold..
but not as cold as his heartache

calls a friend.
"i feel like shit! why is this happening ?! love wasnt on my agenda for now" He says
"Another Fairy tale you're keeping to yourself ? " Says the friend
"does the other part even know ? Talk to me!" Says the friend
"I'd rather keep it to myself,i cant admit that am falling in love""Am the stone remember ? "he said
*Friend Hangs up*

*Antony fades in the background singing :
Hope there's someone...Who'll take care of me When I die, Will I go
Hope there's someone...Who'll set my heart free...Nice to hold when I'm tired

He Gets home,Logs in to MSN and the following goes with his friend :
MAMA MIA says:
اطلع عحالك بالمراية حبيبي
just look at yourself in the mirror dear

MAMA MIA says:
كل يوم عم تكبر يوم
Days are passing by

MAMA MIA says:وعم يقطع الوقت عليك وانت نازل تلعب باعالم كأنهم شطرنج
time is passing by and you're playing people as if they're chess

MAMA MIA says:وبالآخر بدك تكون مبسوطand you want to be happy ?

MAMA MIA says:انت بعمرك ما رح تكون مبسوط وراضي عن حالك you will never be happy and content

MAMA MIA says:خايف تحب ؟؟؟ Afraid to fall in love ?

MAMA MIA says:ومصر انك تنحب but still insist to be loved ?

MAMA MIA says:مش من واحد من مليون واحدNot just by one! by a million

MAMA MIA says:بتمنى تكون راضي عن حالك هلأI hope you're satisfied now

MAMA MIA says:وبكرا عيد الحبTomorrow is Valentine's day

MAMA MIA says:عندك مليون بيعتقد في لحظة انك بتشتاهل وردة حمرا There are dozens who think you deserve THIER red rose

MAMA MIA says:بينما ما عندك الشجاعة يا صخرة تقول لحدن بنحبه اذا عندك حدن كل عام وانت بخيرWhile you dont have the courage to confess to the person you love ?!

*Antony sings again*
"Where go, where nowI can't standIf I can, I can dieI'm freezingIt's like usI'm spiralling"
He falls in tears,it has been a very long time since he cried...

*(D) signs in *
He gets butterflies,he feels diffrent today
"am just gonna tell my part of the story" he thought

hmmmmmm we...

need to talk...
[D] says:but to talk about what?

[D] says:if i may ask...
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:5alas forget it...nothing
[D] says:please?
[D] says:you know you can talk to me about anything...
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:am the one who should say please here
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:just forget it please
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:i was abit too emotional ! and words just come out
[D] says:ok, im not going to ask anymore...but you know im always here for anything
[D] says:but please dotn freak me out, i was like "ok, did i do anything wrong now?"
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says: well you did ! bas inu 5alas sama7
[D] says:i did?!
[D] says:did what?
[D] says:omg, im trying to remember everything i did...what did i do?
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:u did of what you accused me in doing when we first started talking
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:and i just realized that
[D] says:wait
[D] says:i didnt understand that
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:you just make people fall for you and you leave
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:this is what am protecting myself from
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:those were your words
[D] says:me?
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:yes...


*Edith Piaf Sings : non je ne regrette rien*

[D] says:omg....why didn't you tell me earlier?
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:i couldnt,cant and will not !
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:just let it go
[D] says:can i be honest with you?
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:sure
[D] says:i started to fall for you in the beginning, but when i told you that phrase...i did also protect myself
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:i was falling for you...and when you said that
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:i promised myself not to keep going with this
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:but when we met
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:it just happened !
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:and am a secretive person...i dont confess
[D] says:tab rafi2, im not sure what i should do...
[D] says:im confused
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:you shuoldnt do anyhing
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:or even think
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:5alas

*Very Awkward silence now*

Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says: d...
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:please dont stay this silent
[D] says:ok ok
[D] says:im sorry
[D] says:but im just worried...cause i know the feeling and i never thought this would happen
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:u shouldnt be worried
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:bas how come you never thought this would happen ?!
[D] says:because i felt 5alas, you loved that we where friends...and i started to accept it...
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:because i just didnt want to freak you out
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:or let anything come between us
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:thats why..i agreed to being friends and i thought i'll stop feeling,but i didnt !
[Dl] says:hmmm
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:i just felt like i had to tell you sorry if i disturbed you
[D] says:you didnt, im glad you told me
[D] says:to be honest
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:but you're occupied with somebody else and still hung up on ur x
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:you dont need anymore shit
[D] says:well, i would say i just dont know where i stand
[D] says:im not occupied with anyone
[D] says:its just that so many things are going on, and i dont know what to do
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:i know the feeling
[D] says:...
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:...
[D] says:rafi2 you have the complete freedom to stop talking to me and seeing me if it helps
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:thats whats bugging me ! inu this an option !
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:as am nothing is gonna change ... !
[D] says:but im not saying it like anyone else, but seriously i cant imagine not talking to rafi2 again
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:d....
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:you've became a part of my daily life
[D] says:i dont know rafi2, i really dont know
[D] says:i do feel very bad...

[D] says:and this feeling even is not helping
[D] says:rafi2, lets both calm down...and when we both get back to our senses, we will talk....cause we are both in the aftermath and none of us can think right now...we are just thinking too much
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:i think so too...
Raf - The Enchanted Fairy says:sorry
[D] says:dont worry, im sure there is a solution

*Martina McBride sings...My valentine*

-Signs out-
Happy Valentine

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